


一、   犯罪構成要件Elements of a Crime


客觀要件Physical Act (actus rea)

主觀要件Mental State (mens rea)


A criminal offense includes the following components:犯罪應具備四要素:

(1)   the wrongful act 客觀不法行為

(2)   the guilty mind 主觀犯罪心理

(3)   concurrence  主客觀同時存在(犯罪行為需伴隨犯意,僅有行為沒有犯意就不構成)

(4)   causation 因果關係


Wrongful act不法行為

所謂的客觀不法行為,必須包含一「自願性行為」”voluntary act”,才能令行為人為其行為負責:


1)美國模範刑法典(Model Penal Code)對此規定如下:

Section 2.01

A person is not guilty of an offense unless his liability is based on conduct which includes a voluntary act or the omission to perform an act of which he is physically capable.犯罪行為人除非其作為包含一自願性行為,或其不作為實際上應為可行者,不對其行為負責。


(2)People v. Shaughnessy


    The minimal requirement for criminal liability is the performance by a person of conduct which includes a voluntary act or the omission to perform an act which he is physically capable of performing….(內容與上述模範刑法典同)


Criminal state of Mind 主觀犯罪意識

Common law的區分為三種,分別是一般故意、特別故意與過失。特別故意的犯罪形態,在於行為人主觀上要有某種目的心理要素才能成立,而不僅僅具有一般犯罪意圖。在美國模範刑法典(M.P.C)則區分為四種心理要素,分別為故意、未必故意、重大過失與一般過失形態。因為MPC仍未經多數州採用,所以暫不討論….下面就Common law的部分分析:


(1)    General intent 一般意圖

  General intent crimes include serious offenses such as rape and arson and less serious offenses such as trespass and simple battery.只需包含「一般意圖」的心理要素的罪行,較嚴重的例如強姦罪、縱火罪,較輕微的如trespassbattery等。

這些罪行,只要行為人awareness of factors constituting crime 瞭解其行為構成犯罪即可。

(2)    Specific intent 特定意圖

    Crime requires proof of the commission of an actus reas, plus a specific level of knoeledge or an additional intent, such as an intent to commit a felony. 必須要證明行為人的客觀行為,含有特別的知識或附加的意圖,例如重罪需有犯重罪的意圖。

a.       Solicitation 教唆─intent to have the person solicited commit the crime.

b.      Attempt未遂罪─intent to commit a substantive crime

c.       Conspiracy 陰謀─intent to have the crime complete

d.      First degree premeditated murder一級謀殺─premeditated intent to kill 經過深思熟慮的殺人意圖

e.       Assault恫嚇─intent to commit battery

f.        Larceny&Robbery竊盜與強盜─intent to permanently the other of his interest in the property taken.企圖永久剝奪他人財產上利益

g.      Forgery,False pretense,Embzzlement 偽造、詐欺、侵佔─intent to defraud

h.      Burglary重罪入侵─intent to commit a felony in the dwelling 以犯重罪的意圖侵入住宅


*Malice惡意─惡意也是一種特別的心理要素,然而在common law中的惡意,只有在謀殺Murder與放火罪Arson兩種罪行需具備此要件。


State v. Gordon


The specific intent requisite for “robbery” is defined solely in terms of the injury projected to the interests of the property ownerspecific intent” to deprive permanently the owner of his property”.這個案子中,法官指出搶奪的特定心理要素,亦即需具備永久剝奪他人財產的意圖。


(3)    Negligence過失責任

Reckless disregard of an obvious of high risk that the particular result will occur.忽視明顯的將發生的危險為具有過失。在MPC則區分重大過失與一般過失。


a. Strict liability無過失責任

A strict liability offense represents a major exception to the requirement that there be a concurrence between the criminal act and criminal intent. In such offenses, the offender poses a generalizes threat to society at large. Examples include a speeding driver, or a liquor store owner who sells alcohol to minors. 基於對於社會普遍存有較大的威脅,使得無過失責任成為concurrence(主客觀要件同時發生)的一種例外,例如超速駕車、酒商販售給未成年人。這種立法是基於公共福利而來(based on public welfare)

The prosecution need only prove the actus reas to convict the accused; there is no intent element.檢方只需證明行為人客觀行為,不需要主觀要素即可構成犯罪。


b. Vicarious Liability 連帶責任

    Employers can be held responsible for the acts of their employees that occur within the course and scope of employment.雇主對其受僱人在僱佣範圍內所做的行為也要負責。




   The requirement of a criminal offense is that an alleged criminal offender possess a criminal state of mind (mens rea) at the time of the commission of the wrongful act. This is called s concurrence.在行為人做不法行為時,必須在同時要具有犯罪意識才能成立犯罪。

   It is often difficult to prove that a person acted with mens rea, and prosecutors often have to prove mens rea indirectly and circumstantially. 犯罪意識的存在粉難證明,通常檢方會以間接事證及犯罪當時狀況來證明。



   A key to establishing causation is the legal concept of “proximate cause.” Criminal liability only attaches to conduct that is determined to be the proximate pr legal cause of the harmful result.成立因果關係需具備一種法律上概念─「最近因果關係」。唯有在行為與損害的結果之間具有最近因果條件,行為人才擔負罪責。

   An accused is only responsible for the reasonably foreseeable consequences that follow from his or her acts.只有行為人對於損害能預見時才負責。


    因果關係法則Rules of Causation

(1)   hastening inevitable result 加速將實現的結果─其因果不中斷



(2)   Simultaneous acts 同時行為,所造成的結果─因果不中斷



(3)   Preexisting condition 先前身體狀況不影響因果



(4)   Intervening acts 介入之行為



(5)   A year and a day requirement 超過101天則因果中斷







Inchoate Crime未成就的犯罪

(1)    Solicitation教唆

   Solicitation is a specific intent crime committed by a person who asks’ hires’ or encourages another to commit a crime. 教唆是要求、雇用或鼓動他人犯罪的一種特定意圖的犯罪。

   It makes no difference whether the solicited person accepts the offer or not; the solicitation itself constitutes the actus reus for this offense.不論被教唆人接受與否,教唆本身就是一種客觀不法的行為。



 A person who has the intent to commit a substantive criminal offense and does an act that tends to corroborate the intent, under circumstances that do not result in the completion of the substantive crime. 行為人意圖犯某種實質罪行,並實施該罪行的構成要件行為,但未完成該犯罪。


構成未遂罪的要件,是行為人必須採取了相當程度的犯罪步驟以完成其犯罪意圖,(take substantial step to realize that intent)也就是已經超越了準備階段(beyond mere preparation)。


(3) Conspiracy 陰謀

   The crime of conspiracy is committed when two or more people combine to commit a criminal act. The actus reus of conspiracy is the agreement to commit a criminal.陰謀是二人或二人以上結合犯下罪行,其客觀的不法在於行為人之間的犯罪協議。

    Conspiracy is a separate crime, and unlike attempt, does not merge into the completed substantive offense. Thus a person can be prosecuted both for murder and conspiracy.陰謀是一種獨立的罪行,不像未遂罪會被實質的罪行所吸收。所以一個人可以被同時起訴殺人罪與陰謀殺人罪。





合併的概念在common law中,指的是輕罪為重罪所吸收,但是如果同時成立兩個重罪或兩個輕罪,則彼此不合併。





(2)搶劫………較重 ∼∼ 經過Merge後─成立搶劫罪


B搶劫未遂時,則AB皆處以Attempt to robbery搶劫未遂。

B尚未實施實質犯罪步驟substantial 則不能成立Attempt,但是A仍處Solicitation教唆罪









A─處conspiracy to robbery 陰謀搶劫罪

B─處conspiracy to robbery + robbery陰謀搶劫與搶劫兩罪,陰謀無merge的問題


Withdraw & Abandon犯罪行為之撤回與中止


(1)    殺人罪已達到Substantive Step,緊緊剩下最後一步殺人的動作時,突然Abandon放棄殺人。仍然成立Attempt,因為這種罪處罰的就是完成罪行的前階段行為。

(2)    AB協議搶劫後,A反悔而告知B想撤出此行動。A仍然構成Conspiracy陰謀罪,withdraw不能作為Defense抗辯事由。




1.      Insanity 精神喪失

2.      Intoxication 酒醉

(1)自願性酒醉(voluntary intoxication)

    原則上非抗辯事由,例外在Specific intent crime的情形可以為抗辯,例如教唆、陰謀等可以抗辯。但是在惡意犯罪Malice Crime(殺人、放火)以及一般意圖犯罪General intent(如搶劫、強姦)都不能以酒醉當作抗辯事由。

(2)非自願性酒醉(involuntary intoxication)可為犯罪抗辯事由



4.Mistake of fact 事實上錯誤可以為抗辯事由,在specific intent crime不論情況合理與否都可抗辯,但是對於general intent的犯罪則限於合理的錯誤才可抗辯;另外關於法律上錯誤mistake of law則不可為抗辯理由。

5.Consent 同意同常用於assaultbatteryrapedlf ;殺人罪無同意之抗辯事由,因此不能安樂死。






Homicide 殺人罪(總稱)


1. Murder殺人

定義:The unlawful killing of human being with malice aforethought違法的殺人行為與預謀的惡意;預謀的惡意包含明示惡意與默示惡意兩種。

(1)    Express malice明示惡意─intent to kill,在美國有「致命武器法則」(deadly weapon rule),凡是持有致命性武器,就會被推定有「明示惡意的預謀」(express malice aforethought)

(2)    Implied malice默示的惡意,有三種:

A.     intent to inflict great bodily harm(使人重傷的故意)

B.     Reckless indifference to unjustifiably high risk to human life

C.     Intent to commit felony



2. Voluntary Manslaughter 義憤殺人

定義:An intentional killing distinguishable from murder by the existence of adequate provocation.

適當的刺激adequate provocation,使一般人心中產生突發的意圖suddenly intent passion進而失去了自我控制的能力而殺人。



*義憤殺人在Provocation        Kill的時間性短暫,若能經過充分考慮則為murder



3. Involuntary manslaughter 過失殺人

(1)   Criminal negligence of killing

(2)   Unlawful Act manslaughter


    若犯為Felony Murder重罪時,不符合其要件(如無法預見其結果之發生),此時就由重罪殺人變成過失殺人。





4.   Felony murder 重罪謀殺

定義:Any death caused in the commission of, or in an attempt to commit a felony.


    Felony murder必須被告所犯的重罪部分先成立,才能進一步討論有無重罪謀殺的問題。






    實例2AB搶劫後逃逸,但是在跑到一個暫時安全(temporary safe)的地方後,又被警方發現並發生槍戰,有一位警察死亡。此時是否AB要負重罪謀殺的責任?


重罪成立後,離開犯重罪的現場跑至一個暫時安全的地方,即使只有三分鐘的喘息,也應認為與原來的重罪切斷因果關係。所以此時警察的死亡沒有Felony murder的問題,應該照一般的殺人罪處斷。